Reliability and Validity in Scientific Research

Course Length: 1.25 Hours
Course Style: High-Definition On Demand Video

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this comprehensive and engaging course, you will be able to:

  1. Define reliability and validity
  2. Differentiate between trait and method measurement error
  3. Define and describe how to measure test-retest reliability
  4. Define and describe how to measure inter-item reliability
  5. Define and describe how to measure inter-rater reliability
  6. List 6 effective methods of increasing reliability
  7. Differentiate between internal and external validity
  8. Define and describe how to measure construct validity (including convergent and divergent validity)
  9. Define and describe how to measure content validity
  10. Define and describe how to measure criterion validity (including concurrent and predictive validity)
  11. Define and describe how to measure content validity
  12. Compare population validity, ecological validity, temporal validity, and treatment variation validity


Sarah M. Coyne, PhD is Mary Lou Fulton Professor of Human Development in the School of Family Life at Brigham Young University. She received her BSc in Psychology from Utah State University and her PhD in Psychology from the University of Central Lancashire. Dr. Coyne is a popular speaker at both national as well as international conferences and has over 100 peer-reviewed publications on topics including media, aggression, gender, and child development. Dr. Coyne currently serves as an Editorial Board Member for Psychology of Popular Media Culture as well as Developmental Psychology, and she is former Associate Editor of Aggressive Behavior. Her research has been supported by grants from leading funding bodies such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).

DISCLOSURES: This course can be classified as video-based homestudy without interactivity, and has an intended audience of professionals in the following sectors: Non-profit, Industry, University, Community College, Government Agency, Hospitals & Clinics, and Independent Researchers. Publication Academy, Inc. reports no conflicts of interest and has received no commercial support in the development and hosting of this training from its instructors. Publication Academy, Inc. maintains responsibility for this program and its contents. If you wish to enquire about a refund due to technical difficulties, please e-mail

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