Erin Holmes, PhD

Erin Holmes, PhD is Marjorie Pay Hinckley professor in the School of Family Life at Brigham Young University, where she currently serves as Director and has previously served as Associate Director and Chair. Winner of multiple prestigious awards including the Faculty Women’s Association Teaching Award, the BYU School of Family Life Most Influential Professor Award, the National Council on Family Relations Award for Best Research Article on Men in Families by a New Professional, and finalist for the international Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research, Dr. Holmes received her PhD in Human Development and Family Studies at the University of Texas at Austin. A popular speaker for the National Council on Family Relations, her research on systemic ecological approaches to fathering and mothering and the work-family interface has resulted in over 70 publications in leading peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of Marriage and Family, the Journal of Family Theory & Review, and Family Relations. Dr. Holmes has held leadership roles including Guest Editor for the journal Fathering, co-chair positions at the National Council on Family Relations, and service on multiple university committees and editorial boards.

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