Dian Squire, PhD served as Inaugural Associate Dean for Inclusive Excellence and Associate Professor of Nursing at Loyola University Chicago. With over 19 years of administrative experience in academia, Dr. Squire received his PhD in Higher Education from LUC and his MA in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from the University of Maryland College Park, where he later served as Assistant Director of Orientation and New Student Programs and created the country’s first LGBTQIA+ first-year experience program. Since that time, he has also been a visiting Assistant Professor at Iowa State University in the Higher Education and Student Affairs program and Program Coordinator of the Counseling-Student Affairs program at Northern Arizona University. Dr. Squire has held leadership roles for top professional associations such as being Director of Equity for ACPA-College Student Educators International’s governing board as well as multiple roles within the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE). In addition to co-editing the recent book Campus rebellions and plantation politics: Privilege, and the emancipatory struggle in higher education (SUNY Press), he has also published numerous book chapters and peer-reviewed articles in leading journals such as Review of Educational Research, Harvard Educational Review, and International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.
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